If you haven't watched any of season five yet, your in for quite a ride. Just when you thought things couldn't get any worse, well spoiler alert, they do!
But seriously, SPOILER ALERT!! If you don't want me to ruin anything for you that you haven't seen yet don't read on! You've been warned! If you would like to know what I'm referring to than please watch the video below. Head's up though, if you have a sensitive stomach it's a tid bit graphic.
I've come to have a love hate relationship with Tuesdays now. I'm sure many of you reading this share that same feeling with me. I get to watch this amazing show, yet deep down I know this season brings much tragedy. If there has been this much in the first three episodes I can't bear in mind what the rest of season five has up it's sleeves.
Let me say, I'm shocked but not surprised by the death of Opie. It was sad that he died, but like many others, I feel that his death was of a heroic fashion
I would love to hear from all of you though. What are your thoughts on the episode? And how are you liking season five so far? And on that note I will end today's blog with this: R.I.P Opie